Remove the Hidden Variable: Entrained Air

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    Remove the Hidden Variable: Entrained Air

    Your process will always be subject to variations, but it’s difficult to solve issues when their root causes are obscured by so much noise. What if you could clear the hidden variable? When you partner with Buckman, you will automatically upgrade your control algorithms with accurate, continuous entrained air measurements, creating centerlines to compare with other process variables. And you’ll use this data to implement closed-loop control, automating responses like defoamer application to keep entrained air within defined performance parameters. As a result, you will remove air’s influence on your papermaking—reducing breaks, pinholes, and other defects—while more precisely holding to specific production and quality targets. And with truly automated control, you’ll reduce the temptation to run in manual, while driving overall machine efficiency (OME) gains across your entire asset base.


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