Improve Your Leather Process with BBTS

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    Improve your leather process with Buckman Beamhouse & Tanyard Systems (BBTS)

    Buckman’s comprehensive beamhouse and tanyard processing technologies can save time, eliminate bottlenecks, boost yield and reduce inconsistency resulting in lower production costs and increased profitability. After all, leather is made in the beamhouse.

    Manufacturing leather requires a delicate balance of operational cost, sustainability performance and innovation to meet the needs of your customers.  Non-leather competitive products continue to grow in significance, margins are tight in the raw to tanned production segment, and justifying production / process changes may feel difficult.  However, it is exactly for these reasons that every opportunity should be taken to make those improvements which matter most to your customers, the environment and your own organization’s profitability.

    One key macrotrend is the move towards sustainability performance with a focus on reducing energy use, water use and waste while increasing focus on chemical performance and compliance to market requirements.  Beamhouse processes are a critical part of the overall leather manufacturing performance, and your choice of chemicals and their application play an important role in more efficient and sustainable processing.

    Buckman offers solutions to help you achieve advanced leather quality at reduced operational cost and with sustainability improvements in the production of wet blue, wet white and vegetable tanned leather:

    • Soaking – achieve excellent preservation and optimized soaking with Buckman’s range of Busan® short term preservation systems, compact soaking agents, wetting back agents, pH control agents, enzyme technologies, penetrants and degreasers.
    • Liming – improve the quality and yield of limed pelts and reduce the levels of sulfide with Buckman’s liming systems which include enzyme applications, organic reducing agents, amines, penetrants, dispersants and degreasers.
    • Deliming and Bating – reduce or eliminate deliming nitrogen and produce tighter, fuller and cleaner pelts with Buckman’s range of deliming and bating systems including our nitrogen-free deliming agents, low-nitrogen deliming systems and bating enzymes.
    • Pickling, Tanning and Basification for Chrome Tanned Leathers – produce chrome tanned leathers with consistent properties using pickling, tanning and basification systems from Buckman such as our penetrants, chromium complexing systems and specialty basification agents.

    Work with our BBTS specialists to support you in overcoming technical challenges, maximizing your leather’s quality, reducing your operational costs and advancing your sustainability performance.

    We understand that:

    • Every 1% increase in area yield is a 1% increase in production output
    • Every perceptible increase in grain quality is an opportunity for increased differentiation and customer satisfaction
    • Every increase in productivity is an opportunity for resource optimization
    • Every improvement in effluent quantity and quality reduces the cost of effluent treatment
    • Every new customer gained helps you sustain and grow your business

    View our brochure for Buckman Beamhouse & Tanyard Systems (BBTS).


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