Drainage Aids
Improve drainage, monitor entrained air, and reduce foam with chemicals and smart technologies for pulp mills
Our state-of-the-art pulp mill drainage aid technologies can help you increase drainage and eliminate production bottlenecks, improve washing for cleaner pulp and lower bleaching costs, and eliminate defoamer-related pitch deposit issues.
Comprehensive product line includes:
- Bufloc® range of polymer chemistries
- Bubreak® and DrainEdge™ ranges of drainage/defoamer chemistries
- Busperse® range of dispersant chemistries
- Buzyme® range of enzyme chemistries
Application Strategy
Comprehensive solutions provider including:
- Design and supply of chemical dosing system
Monitoring and Control Strategy
Capable of providing a full range of services to optimize pulp drainage performance including:
- Drainage testing
- Solids and moisture testing
- ECHOWISE™ entrained air monitoring technology
- Identification of steam and energy savings